Lancers Hall of Fame
The Hanover Lancers Drum & Bugle Corps Hall of Fame has been established to honor outstanding individuals who have made a substantial and positive impact on the Lancers organization through their distinguished service, achievements, and enduring contributions. Inductees are chosen from three time periods.
The Founding/Developmental Era: 1920 – 1949
The Competitive Era: 1950 – 1982
The Alumni Corps Era: 1990 – present day
Inaugural Class of 2024
Harold H. Bair * – Army sergeant Major and the first Hanover citizen to sacrifice his life in WWI. The Hanover, Pennsylvania American Legion Post 14 was named in his honor.
Richard Naill * – Initial Chair of Harold H. Bair American Legion Post 14 (1919). Instrumental in the cration of the Hanover Legion’s drum& bugle corps (1920).
Edwin “Diddles” Kline * – Initial Vice-Chair of Harold H. Bair American Legion Post 14 (1919). Haover Legion’s drum & bugle corps founder (1920). Corps President/Director/Drum Major (1920-1926).
Maurice Masemer * – Corps member (1926-1946). Continued supporting the corps for decades. Maintained and solidified the corps foundation as it transitioned into and through WW2. Last marched with corps when a group of alumni marched in 1984 Hanover Halloween Parade. Over the years, many Lancers have been related to Maurice.
Francis “Franny” Heck * – Snare drummer (1944 through the mid-1960s). Son of Truman Heck who was also a snare drummer. Board member and officer. First president of the Penn-Mar Circuit (1951).
James Gulden * – Corps member (1944 through 1966). Board member, Business Manager, and Drum Major.
Bill Reese – Soprano player 1959-1974, 1990-present). President (1965-1971). Charter officer (1969) of the Red Carpet Association (RCA). Treasurer – alumni corps (2000-present).
Robert “Posie” Pfaff * – Drum Major (1953-1971, 1990-2005).
Larry Wentz – Drill Designer/Instructor (1971-1972). Assistant Drum Major (1963-1966). Drum Major (1967-1975, 1990-1994).
Bob Zarfoss – Drumline arranger/Instructor (1959, 1961-1977, 1997-present).
Stan Dutterer * – Snare drummer (1961-1973). Business Manager (1968-1977). President (1973-1977). Various executive positions with the Red Carpet Association (RCA) circuit.
Gene Nace * – Soprano player (1968-1977). Various administrative positions for corps and Profiles in Music (1972-1977). Drum Major (1979, 1980). President/Business Manager (1979, 1980).
Duane DeWire – Flag line (1973). Rifle line (1974-1977, 1980). Rifle line instructor (1980). Board of Directors (1980). Flag line instructor (2023-present).
Randy Kemp – Double-tenor/triples/snare drummer (1971-1977, 1990-present). Swiss Army Knife percussionist (1990-present).
Garry Gourley * – Soprano player (1972-1982, 1990-2020). Coordinator of Profiles in Music DCI sold-out show (1980). Souvenir sales and Quartermaster (1990-2020).
William “Chip”Crumrine – Baritone/contra player (1973-1977, 1979-1980, 1990-2005, 2015-present). Co-organizer of alumni reunion picnic and creation of alumni corps (1990). Co-Organizer of 102nd Anniversary Alumni Reunion (2022). Co-Director (1990-1993). President (1994-2005). Co-Business Manager (2020-2022). President/Corps Director (2023-present).
Steve Myers – French horn player (1971-1973). Mellophone player/multi-tenor drummer (1990-1999). Co-organizer of alumni reunion picnic and creation of alumni corps (1990). Co-Director (1990-1993).
Rick Johnson – Single-tenor/multi-tenor/snare drummer (1971-1977, 1990-present). Co-Organizer of alumni reunion picnic & creation of alumni corps (1990). Co-Director (1990-1993).
Tom Kittinger * – Soprano player (1996-2016). Business Manager (2005-2016).
Brian Moul – Baritone player (1979-1980, 1990-present). Brass Arranger/Instructor (1990-present).
Scott Klunk – Baritone player (1974-1976). Rifle line (1979-1980, 1990-1999). Rifle line instructor (1990-1999). Drum Major (2000-2017).
Rick Anderson – Soprano player (1976-1977, 1994-present). Brass instructor (2011-current). Show coordinator (2023-present).
Kenny Myers – Snare drummer (1962-1972, 1990-present).
Charles Rupp * – Bass drummer (1962-1972, 1990-2024).